I made this little house, it's kind of grunge, but I think it's still cute in its own way. I have fell in love whit this house, so I decided to put it for download, so you could also enjoy this house. :P




That's all from outside, shall we go in? snapshot_1b3f8bf4_fb3f8c43.jpgUntitled-1.jpgsnapshot_1b3f8bf4_9b3f8c61.jpgsnapshot_1b3f8bf4_db3f8c4c.jpg

There is the kitchen. Also you can see the stairs to second floor.snapshot_1b3f8bf4_3b3f8c68.jpgsnapshot_1b3f8bf4_1b3f8c72.jpg

Little toilet and broken mirror. Let's see the second floor.snapshot_1b3f8bf4_1b3f8c82.jpgsnapshot_1b3f8bf4_5b3f8c92.jpgsnapshot_1b3f8bf4_db3f8c9f.jpgsnapshot_1b3f8bf4_fb3f8c8e.jpgsnapshot_1b3f8bf4_1b3f8c89.jpgsnapshot_1b3f8bf4_db3f8ca4.jpg

That was all... I think. Hope I didn't miss anything. So I put the link down and you can go download it. I will be very happy, If you leave a comment when you download, or just leave a comment. It really doesn't matter do you download, just tell me what you like about this and stuff... :P See ya soon!

Information: The lot is furnished


Lot by: JanJan